Peruvian Shamanic Path- Certification Programs
We uphold the highest level of integrity by training our students to become Shamanic Practitioners with a solid foundation, commitment and respect to the original lineages.
In our Certification Programs, our students are given intensive, hands on and practical instruction, and supported throughout their transformative journey with us.
The school is located in Glendora, California, and the following courses are held in person there.
Level 1 - Shamanic Fundamentals: Tools, Practices & Principles of Andean Shamanism
Currently enrolling for Summer 2024. For information on cost, class times, location, etc., click MORE, then Workshops & Lectures to view the class flyer. Please also complete the intake form at the top of the page.
In this hands-on and activity based course, you'll learn the fundamental principles, tools and practices of Andean Shamanism and how to begin to apply them for your self healing and growth. You'll journey into alternate realities, meet your Power Animal, learn about your luminous energy field and how to transmute heavy, stagnant energy so you can enjoy optimal health and well being. You'll also begin to shift your internal narrative, begin to shift unhealthy connections, and energetically change the dynamics of your relationships. And, you'll build your own Mesa, the Shaman's altar and start working with it to help you transform old stories and narratives so you can begin anew and create a fresh vision for your life!
At the end of the 4 week course, you'll receive a Certificate of Completion in Shamanic Fundamentals and a ceremonial blessing connecting you to the earth and honoring your commitment to working in harmony with all beings.
Level 1 can be highly transformative, even for those who do not choose to continue on in the work. It also sets a strong foundation for the subsequent levels of work, for those who want to continue their journey and healing work ... Read below from a student who shared this with us...
"Hi teachers! I had to share that I just welcomed my One Million Dollar space into my mesa! My company hit one million in sales and is projected to do several more this year!"
"The shaman teachings allowed me to recognize the power of celebrations as a ritual. In the past, I didn't want to celebrate or just passed over my accomplishments. I recently had a breakthrough which showed me that this was an old narrative based on my siblings saying I made them look bad when I accomplished things! Well, I just let go of those conversations in a fire ceremony and I recognize that abundance is permission to ask for more, and so I gladly will! I believe I can play a big financial game. Thank you for your teachings, I am using this to work to continue to grow and build and enjoy this beautiful life! I'm not dimming my light anymore by hiding."
Level 2 - Pompamesayoq Rites
Level 2 - Path to Self Healing & Becoming a Shamanic Healer (Prerequisite: Completion of Shamanic Fundamentals and Teacher's approval)
Here, you'll begin your journey to becoming a Pompamesayoq, which is a caretaker of the earth, ceremonialist, mesa carrier, and ultimately, healer of others.
By first focusing your healing inward, you'll be able to envision and create a new destiny that is aligned with your highest and best good. One that is joyful, purposeful, gratifying and satisfying beyond what you might think is achievable based on your past experiences. This course helps you move beyond the probable and into the possible, where you are co-creating with Spirit and manifesting your best life.
On this path, you'll move beyond the burdens of toxic family patterns, and the myths of modern societies that are focused on "me" vs. "you", and fear vs. love. You'll come to understand the origin of your shadow and learn how to bring the disowned parts of yourself into the light so you can approach yourself and others with empathy, love, and compassion. You'll also be introduced to inner child work so you'll have a way to work with your own sub-personalities that are the result of various traumas in your life.
In this work, you'll receive a number of Rites and learn many practices to awaken your luminous body and nurture your capacity to commune with all aspects of the natural world and spiritual realm, such as animal spirits, archetypes, ascended masters, guides, teachers, and benevolent helpers.
Together with your fellow students, you'll form an Ayllu, which is a community that beautifully supports each other's healing and transformation.
This class meets 1 time a month for 16 sessions (July and August the school is closed for summer holiday)
Here, you'll begin your journey to becoming a Pompamesayoq, which is a caretaker of the earth, ceremonialist, mesa carrier, and ultimately, healer of others.
By first focusing your healing inward, you'll be able to envision and create a new destiny that is aligned with your highest and best good. One that is joyful, purposeful, gratifying and satisfying beyond what you might think is achievable based on your past experiences. This course helps you move beyond the probable and into the possible, where you are co-creating with Spirit and manifesting your best life.
On this path, you'll move beyond the burdens of toxic family patterns, and the myths of modern societies that are focused on "me" vs. "you", and fear vs. love. You'll come to understand the origin of your shadow and learn how to bring the disowned parts of yourself into the light so you can approach yourself and others with empathy, love, and compassion. You'll also be introduced to inner child work so you'll have a way to work with your own sub-personalities that are the result of various traumas in your life.
In this work, you'll receive a number of Rites and learn many practices to awaken your luminous body and nurture your capacity to commune with all aspects of the natural world and spiritual realm, such as animal spirits, archetypes, ascended masters, guides, teachers, and benevolent helpers.
Together with your fellow students, you'll form an Ayllu, which is a community that beautifully supports each other's healing and transformation.
This class meets 1 time a month for 16 sessions (July and August the school is closed for summer holiday)
Level 2 Course Specifics:
This class meets 1 weekend a month for 3 sessions.
- Continue your work with your mesa and the Four Directions, to help transform old wounds and stories, learn to walk in the world differently, work with the ancestors, and bring forth a new vision for your life
- Understanding your shadow and how to bring healing to the disowned parts of yourself
- Kaway Chumpi (Belts of Power)
- Transmission of the Archetypes
- Assemblage Point
- Shapeshifting and Seeing States
- Levels of Engagement (Tinkuy, Tupay, Take)
- Luminous Healing
- Shamanic and Energetic Healing to prepare you to become a Shamanic Healer
This class meets 1 weekend a month for 3 sessions.
Pompamesayoq Initiation at completion of Level 2
- Despacho and Fire Ceremony
- Pampamesayoq Initiation & Celebration
Level 3 - Altomesayoq Rites
Practitioner of Magic and Divination (consists of 14 class sessions, held one time per month)
One Who Speaks Directly With Spirit.
In the Andes, the Altomesayoq is one who has been struck by lightning three times and survived. In the school, this implies a complete release of your old identity and the acceptance of your destiny.
The Altomesayoq is able to access past lives to recover the knowledge and skills they once possessed and can now use in their practice. They are a practitioner of magic and divination, able to channel directly from Source and work cooperatively with their helpers in the spirit world.
Upon Initiation, you will be a certified Altomesayoq Shamanic Practitioner, able to use divination tools and channel directly from spirit to assist your self and clients.
In the Andes, the Altomesayoq is one who has been struck by lightning three times and survived. In the school, this implies a complete release of your old identity and the acceptance of your destiny.
The Altomesayoq is able to access past lives to recover the knowledge and skills they once possessed and can now use in their practice. They are a practitioner of magic and divination, able to channel directly from Source and work cooperatively with their helpers in the spirit world.
Upon Initiation, you will be a certified Altomesayoq Shamanic Practitioner, able to use divination tools and channel directly from spirit to assist your self and clients.
Level 3 - Course Specifics
- The Chakana Merkaba our vehilcle back to the stars
- Death and Rebirth Rites
- The Tawantinsuyu - beginning to build your new Mesa
- The Wayqi
- Archetypes of the 3 Mamas
- Stone Healing - Working with the Rivers of Light in the Spine
- Working with sound to open up our Psychic Perception
- Using the Tokapu‘s to become sensitive to frequencies
- Working with Cekes to track the energy grid for synchronicities
- Psychometry
- Remote Viewing
- Dream Work & Dream Mesa
- Divination
- Egg Healing
- Altomesayoq Initiation - Joining the community of the Solar Disc